Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor). Thus no job control in this shell. Job name: run-job-SAT4J-Maxsat-maxsat_random-_home_jplanes_evaluation_benchmarks_maxsat_random_max2sat_120v_s2v120c1600-9.cnf Job file: /home/jplanes/evaluation/benchmarks/maxsat_random/max2sat/120v/s2v120c1600-9.cnf Job solver: /home/jplanes/evaluation/solvers/DanielLeBerre/SAT4J-Maxsat c SAT4J: a SATisfiability library for Java (c) 2004-2008 Daniel Le Berre c This is free software under the dual EPL/GNU LGPL licenses. c See www.sat4j.org for details. c This software uses some libraries from the Jakarta Commons project. See jakarta.apache.org for details. c version 2.1.0.v20090425 c sun.arch.data.model 64 c java.version 1.5.0 c os.name Linux c os.version 2.6.9-5.0.5.ELsmp c os.arch amd64 c Free memory 403233816 c Max memory 405471232 c Total memory 405471232 c Number of processors 2 c c --- Begin Solver configuration --- c Stops conflict analysis at the first Unique Implication Point c org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.MixedDataStructureDanielWL@296672d6 c Learn all clauses as in MiniSAT c claDecay=0.999 varDecay=0.95 conflictBoundIncFactor=1.2 initConflictBound=100000 c VSIDS like heuristics from MiniSAT using a heap phase appearing in latest learned clause c No reason simplification c MiniSAT restarts strategy c Memory based learned constraints deletion strategy c timeout=2147483s c DB Simplification allowed=false c --- End Solver configuration --- c solving /home/jplanes/evaluation/benchmarks/maxsat_random/max2sat/120v/s2v120c1600-9.cnf c reading problem ... c ... done. Wall clock time 0.721s. c #vars 1720 c #constraints 1600 c constraints type c org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf.OriginalWLClause => 1600 c OPTIMIZING... c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):0.973 o 360 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.09 o 357 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.318 o 356 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.36 o 355 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.499 o 354 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.512 o 353 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.535 o 352 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.558 o 351 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.631 o 350 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.642 o 349 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):1.652 o 348 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):45.98 o 347 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):46.311 o 346 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):46.316 o 345 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):46.321 o 344 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):75.829 o 343 c Got one! Elapsed wall clock time (in seconds):127.891 o 342 c cleaning 112747 clauses out of 225500 c cleaning 106378 clauses out of 212757 c cleaning 109185 clauses out of 218375 c cleaning 103843 clauses out of 207690 c cleaning 106665 clauses out of 213347 c cleaning 100838 clauses out of 201683 c cleaning 103670 clauses out of 207344 c cleaning 98083 clauses out of 196174 c cleaning 101288 clauses out of 202591 c cleaning 95646 clauses out of 191303 c cleaning 98820 clauses out of 197657 c cleaning 94414 clauses out of 188843 c cleaning 97454 clauses out of 194923 c cleaning 92728 clauses out of 185470 c cleaning 96364 clauses out of 192741 c cleaning 90434 clauses out of 180877 c cleaning 95470 clauses out of 190945 c cleaning 89481 clauses out of 178973 c cleaning 92994 clauses out of 185993 c cleaning 88741 clauses out of 177500 c cleaning 93124 clauses out of 186257 c cleaning 87558 clauses out of 175134 c cleaning 91030 clauses out of 182075 c cleaning 86269 clauses out of 172545 c cleaning 90132 clauses out of 180276 Killed 1842.353u 0.830s 42:44.29 71.8% 0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w