Max-SAT 2014 |
Ninth Max-SAT Evaluation |
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IntroductionThe Ninth Evaluation of Max-SAT Solvers (Max-SAT-2014) is organized as an affiliated event of the 17th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT-2014). The objective of the evaluation is assessing the state of the art in the field of Max-SAT solvers, as well as creating a collection of publicly available Max-SAT benchmark instances. The evaluation allows the submission of incomplete solvers in a Special Track, with the same four categories than for complete solvers, but with a reduced number of instances. You may check the Special Track rules for more details. NewThis year, the MaxSAT Evaluation results merge two categories: Weighted MaxSAT and Weighted Partial MaxSAT, in order to reduce the number of displayed categories. Their file formats will be kept, so the solvers submitted to the merged category (Weighted Partial MaxSAT) must deal with both formats.This year also, the Max-SAT Evaluation participates in the FLoC Olympic Games. |
Django Powered || Last modified: Jan. 8th, 2014. |